

Body Ghost

Christian Boltanski

“The experience I want visitors to have in each of my exhibitions is not necessarily to understand but to feel that something has happened.”

Body Squash

Anthea Hamilton

“I follow my gut with my brain and my body. I find that the computer doesn’t necessarily allow my brain to open up”

Body Present

Brendan Fernandes

“In ballet, the body is constructed; it has to be a certain way. And if you don’t conform to that specific body type, you can’t participate. So, I question what it means to be a different type of body from within the system.”

Body Architect

Lucy McRae

“I became obsessed with the idea of blurring perimeter of the body, so you couldn’t see where the skin ended, and the near environment started.”

Our bodies are dematerializing into avatars, selfies, and representations that idealize our identity into a filtered and pristine online extension of who we are.

For many, these false images in the virtual world have forced us to look at our physical body in a new, vulnerable light—through a mirror of insecurity, self-consciousness, and with the gravity of our own mortality that has long been denied as a muted taboo.

While scientists and biologists have explored the infinite complexity of the body organism to go beyond its limitations, artists explore and question the body image, often with wit and disobedience, to express the vital need for connection in a physical world.


The body never lies.

The body never lies.


 Let’s Get Physical

Beginning in 1983 with her Survival Series, conceptual artist Jenny Holzer shared urgent messages on electronic media.

“Let your hand wander on flesh to make possibility multiply.”


If you were to map your life experience on your skin, which words would you imprint as a fictional tattoo?

Lady Luck